Customer Testimonials

"Holding these 8.5" square x 4" thick steel blocks down with 4 tiny MITEE-BITE pitbull clamps. Incredible work holding power made in the good old USA!"

- @kamps_custom_fab,

"we now use the 1/4-20 pitbulls in most cases. I use these clamps all over the place - it's one of the best designs I've ever seen for workholding. "

- Dave Rocks, Practical Machinist

"We use Mitee-Grip Mesh all the time for machining Quartz don't know how we would manage without it. "

- Jim,

"Miteebite clamps make fixturing so much easier."

- spitfiremoto, Instagram

"Gotta love the MiteeBite!!!"

- motorbrain502, Instagram

"#5axis tombstone milling. In production 16 pieces in 1 run, complete finished. Miteebite had the perfect solution for this set-up. "

- dutch_cnc, Instagram

"Your clamps allowed us to machine very unique and difficult to clamp parts including our brake calipers, gearbox, and suspension uprights. Without your help it would have been much harder to build a fixture to hold these parts without damaging them. We certainly enjoy showing the countless tours of families, students, and industry leaders our fixtures that integrate your products and the beautiful parts that we can make using the fixtures. These clamps have drawn so much attention from nearly everyone who passes by! "

- Aaron Pitzer,

"I’m a HUGE fan of Mitee-Bite Products and we use them on fixtures for some of our highest run and tightest tolerance parts. "

- Alex Kaduck,

"Love these fixture clamps. We dovetailed them @  .100" deep and have had no troubles with movement even with a 3/4" roughing endmill @ 80ipm. "

- Brandon Schweiger,

"Today we ran some cast components in the fixture we designed utilizing Mitee-Bite clamps....Utilizing a machined ID expansion clamp and 6 PitBull clamps we were able to machine all of the required features in one setup, with no hesitation about taking aggressive cuts.  We will definitely be reaching out in the future for opportunities we can use Mitee-Bite Products at OMIC."

- Joshua Koch,

"We are saving about $4,000 on this first OP run with operator and machine time saved.  This easily pays for the $1,900 in Pitbull Clamps we won’t have to recoup for the next production. It is hard to put a price on going from 15 minute interruptions to 3 hours.  Less wear on the machine.  The job finishing a day early.  I am sure this is a story you have heard before."

- Daniel Gullman,

"We finished up on our project a couple days ago. The tungsten coated grippers worked flawlessly. We appreciate your support on this, it’s not always easy to find people that stand behind their products. We look forward to future endeavors with Mitee-Bite Products."

- Steve Cargill,

"The service and response times with accurate information has always been outstanding."

- Kyle Henecke,

"I mention your product whenever I get the chance - it’s simple, tough, inexpensive and easy to use."

- John Mueller,

"Wanted to thank you for your guidance on our Miteebite project. Our launch was successful and we will be filling our first shipment this week. The design guidance you provided was spot on. Much appreciated! "

- Brad Hiatt,

"Thanks again for the assist and getting us up and running.  It looks like we will be able to run two pallets and add live probing.  Up from 3 pieces to 20!"

- Daniel Gullman,

"Thank for making an awesome product!"

- Jacob Abusow,

"We depend on your products and would not use anything else. We appreciate your excellent customer service. "

- Ronda Turner Peterson,

"Best support ever!"

- William R Cote,

"Big shout out to our friends at Mitee-Bite Products! They make a phenomenal product that streamlines consistency and efficiency and allows us to mass produce our wrench parts."

- Tribus Enterprises, Inc.,

"MiteeBite making impossible work-holding, possible."

- @chiselmachining,

"I use a bunch of these pitbull clamps. This pallet took us from 2 bars in a double vise to yield 6 parts total to 6 bars to yield 36 parts!"

- Ben Williams,

"I love your guys product. We us a ton of it!"

- @bradimf,

"PB wear plates: A little funky but works like a champ... some r and d on fixture plates coming up... pit bulls holding onto less than .08 and a hammer couldn’t remove the part."

- @big_dolla_bobby,

"Thanks to Mite-Bite Uniforce Clamps we are pumping large batches of these parts out in no time with hands free to run more machines!"

- @dynamic_cnc_milling,

"We love our Mitee-Bite Clamps! This fixture allows us to run 4 parts/cycle on our @mazakcorp variaxis mills."

- @aceroprecision,

"Pitbull Clamps and Dowel Pins make one hell of a fixture plate!!"

- @mot_cnc_works,

"Mitee-Bite for the win! This fixture has seen thousands of these parts. Clamps hold as good as they did when first put in. "

- @preachin_tiger,

"Thanks to Mitee-Bite Fixture Clamps I’m able to fly through these parts mostly unattended, freeing me up to run more parts on more machines!! These parts come in laser cut out of 6mm Alu and I then just drill, tap and chamfer on both sides."

- @dynamic_cnc_milling,

"I love high density fixturing. Mitee-Bite Uniforce Clamps make it so easy. We run 20 of these parts through all 3 ops, using two quick-changing fixtures, in about 40 minutes. We have two more fixtures outside that are unloaded and reloaded while the other two are running, so changing in and out takes about a minute. This kind of thinking has been a huge boon to our company; it took hiring the right person to get our mindset into this echelon of modern fixturing."

- @job_shopper_tn,

"The clamps did their job flawlessly! Such as easier way to hold the workpiece than drilling and screwing it to the fixture!"

- @simpdaddy2011,

"From concept to reality. There are only a couple OPs to drill and cut the Mitee-Bite Machinable Uniforce Clamps, but the lion's share of the work is done. This fixture will hold 32pcs of stock for 1st and 2nd OPs on rod end spacers and wheel speed sensor adapters; ensuring 2 complete sets come off the machine every cycle."

- @fullspectrumperformance,

"We’ve been busy boosting production of some of our regular jobs. We got ourselves some Mitee-Bite Knife Edge Pitbulls and fixtured this job. Worked a treat! We could not believe how aggressive we could still be using these clamps! Increasing spindle up time allowing us to get on with other jobs whilst running this!"

- @prospeed_precision,

"Using our Mitee-bite Uniforce Clamps to massively improve cycle times, loading one jig while the other is in the machine"

- @ianwise_engineering,

"More high density fixturing. Using 10” x 16” pallet and Knife Edge Clamps. For the fixed stops we swapped the M16 cam head for standard M14 with the head turned down 0.25 mm."

- @brent_and_warburton,

"Mitee-Bite Clamps for the win! Holding well so far! I am very pleased with the product."

- @simpdaddy2011,

"Some fun parts to machine!! With the Haas, Iscar tooling and Mitee-Bites its a breeze!!"

- @vt_engineering1,

"Thank you so much to the amazing people Whole Tooling Solutions for my Mitee-Bite Clamps! You guys have opened some doors for me!"

- @dynamic_cnc_milling,

"Second Operation Fixture ready to go!! Took a long time to design and make these fixtures as a lot goes into making one of these things but will be worth it in the long run! Excited to start production soon! Using Mite-Bite UniForce Clamps for this fixture! Was skeptical it wasn’t going to hold properly but ran a test piece and help up just fine! Highly recommend using Mitee -Bite Clamps will be buying more in the future!"

- @duransfishingproducts,

"Got to use some Mitee-Bite Pitbull Clamps on some fixturing we've been running. These were a big time saver and allowed us to run 4 times the parts at one time compared to our previous setup."

- ,

"Some small parts needed some tricky machining operations. That was enough excuse for me to buy some tiny M4 Mitee-Bite Clamps and over-engineer a fixture."

- @schmarden,

"AHH I love fixture Fridays! Increase in productivity here we come! Going to be using some Mitee-Bite Uniforce Clamps for this one."

- @the_sa_machinist,

"Making great parts requires great tools! @helicaltools and Mitee-Bite are always my one-two punch, in no particular order!"

- @kamps_custom_fab,

"Made a fixture plate to be able to run 6 parts at a time!! This will speed up production and make my job a lot easier looking forward to putting it to use! Thanks to Mitee-Bite for the Pitbull and TalonGrips! First time using them but they fit and look great!"

- @duransfishingproducts,

"Love the use of soft jaws but I love it even more when I only need one jaw. Holding these parts on a 5° angle to plunge a .188" hole. @carvesmart system makes it so easy to swap out jaws too. Going from grip and rip jaws carrying Mitee-Bite TalonGrips to a soft jaw in seriously seconds is amazing."

- @machineshopoutlaw,

"Breaking in the new #piranhastrips on a simple little fixture plate with some Mitee-Bite Pitbull Clamps . Wanted a good bite on these parts since they are prone to pulling out with any mildly aggressive cutting. Working well."

- @nuevaprecision,

"I am always so impressed with how much clamping force these Mitee-Bite Pitbull Clamps have. Perfect solution for clamping flat strips down and slotting with no deflection! Pitbull Clamps for the win!"

- @kamps_custom_fab,

"Lovin' the Mitee-Bite TalonGrips. First time using them."

- @congerclinton,

"Talongrips are pretty damn legit."

- @stylinonyou23,

"This is my first time using Mitee-Bite Products. I’m very happy with how well these ID Expansion Clamps are going."

- @fullrapidmachining,

"Air actuated workholding with Mitee-Bite Uniforce Clamps for drilling and light milling duties on aluminum alloy... works extremely fine. "

- @mirko_gherpelli,

"I’m working on another Mitee-Bite fixtureplate where I can load 4 parts and get 3 ops done in one cycle. So the whole part is finished. I had to deliver 100 parts today and 300 next week.

- @cncisawesome,

"Late night setup changes made easy with the Mitee-Bite Pallet System. Also running a large Mitee-Bite ID Expansion Clamp on this 4axis setup. Sweet combo!

- @kamps_custom_fab,

"Those little Mitee-Bite Clamps are great when I try and push the boundary of the machine travel!

- @lamandesigns,

"Big thanks to Mitee-Bite for their support. With their clamps we will be able to manufacture significantly larger pieces in house.

- @warr.cryosphere,

"Loving these Mitee-Bite Uniforce Clamps, work so well for multi part fixtures.

- @p_r_systems,

"Pitbull Clamps are really amazing - very impressed! "

- @rhinhorns,

"We were having issues holding on to saw cut metal. We found a good solution for this, Mitee-bite talon grip jaws. These jaws hold only 0.06".

- @vikingmanufacturing,

"These new fixtures we designed are working great. Thanks to @miteebite for the awesome clamps. They have incredible holding power and are super easy to use. Now we don't have to throw a vise back on the machine to do this op.

- @westboundmachinellc,

"One of my favorite things as a CNC programmer is designing high density fixtures. Last year we ran 10,000 of these little aluminum couplings, and now we’re getting the opportunity for 23,000 this year. We may not get the job but, I spent a little time getting some designing done on a much better fixture suited for a high volume run. @orangeviseofficial and @miteebite make it easy by having models readily available to go right from their website.

- @job_shopper_tn,

"Was busy filming on my phone today trying to get some focus through the window when my lanolin sprayer fell off the top of the machine straight passed where i was watching. All i saw was a flash of yellow! My first thought was did the part pull out of the vice??! Nope, i've got the @miteebite confidence.

- @the.mb.,

"I’m in love these Mitee-Bite jaws. I have been using there products for years and have never been disappointed. If haven’t tried them I highly recommend them. For those doing flat bar work I recommend the talon grip jaws. I’ve used for a number of years now and they are great for machining your 5 surfaces before decking the sixth.

- @hammersleytool,

"Time to test my mitee-bites. Sometimes you need to have a few compact low-profile clamps to get the work done. Facing a part to an air compressor.

- @horning.sf,

"I use the talon grips for every OP1 hands down. I’ve made thousands of parts and never had a part pull out. It’s the best solution for low profile gripping.

- Utah Valley CNC,

"Surprisingly these ID expansion clamps really do have an absurd amount of holding power."

- @jack_vanderpols,

"When lights out production is the goal automation and part density is what matters."

- @joem5127,

"These @miteebite ID Xpansion clamps really came thru today! Amazing!"

- @jose.of.all.trades24,

"Packing it in! We filled the entire work surface with this very densely pack fixture on all four sides. Lots of @miteebite from our friends @industrialtoolsupplyma"

- @machmachineinc,

"@miteebite workholding is the industry's innovator for small, low-profile clamping. We use these clamps on a regular basis to design and manufacture high-volume solutions for small and large parts."

- @advancedmachineengineering,

"We used the blue Mitee-Grip Gen 2 sample pack for parts 1/2”x1/2”x.070” on a 12”x12”x1/8” aluminum sheet and it performed perfectly. How do we get our hands on more ASAP? Specifically the 10230B (blue)

- Matthew Macys, Faulhaber Micromo

"We love your products, and like your company we prefer to use the highest material & quality components made in the USA, like Mitee-Bite!

- Mike Houge, Fab-Worx, Inc

"Mitee-Bite’s Uniforce Clamping System, along with the various other products they provide, are an absolute game changer. If you want to seriously compete in high volume production, you need to be using Mitee-bite’s products. The simplicity of the designs they offer make implementation a breeze. Maximize the potential of your set ups with Mitee-Bite.

- Keagan Brown, @themodernmachinist

"So far I couldn’t be happier. Using both Pit-bull and Uniforce clamps for this “one and done”. This indeed is my first rodeo with a B axis horizontal.

- Aaron Frye,

"It is just a thing of beauty. First time using the @orangeviseofficial pallet top. Paired with @miteebite ID expansion clamps, this thing is beautiful. My first real attempt at higher capacity work-holding and I’m loving it!

- @samco_mfg,

"These guys have seen 2000+ cycles as of today and don’t seem to be slowing down. Love the uniforce clamps.

- Ben Little,

"Love having extended miteebites for weird parts like this. They’re so much faster and cheaper than a million soft jaws for every weird shaped part (hd versagrip)

- @ny_machinist,

"@miteebite TalonGrips with 1.5mm clamping height, making op1 a breeze

- @cape_town_cnc,

"Mitee-Bite talon jaw system to the rescue, .080” flange to grip with, no problem with @miteebite

- @fab_worxinc,

"You make a nice low profile off the shelf product that is easily customizable... In my setup/machine configuration, low Profile z height workholding is key. This did the trick and freed up my work envelope. 

- Dave Lewis, LEWMACH

"Thank you a lot Scott, I really love your products and getting amazing results with your clamps.

- Vitalii Topoliuk,

"First time making a fixture using @miteebite clamps. I have to say this makes ease of running a high qty of parts with a short cycle time.

- @innovativetechnologymfg,

"We’re a big fan of your product. I’ve been in the industry for almost 30 years now & I can remember MiteeBite being one the earliest brands & product offering that I was ever exposed to. Stuff is just awesome & it’s limited by what the end user cannot think of. Your products are amazing & they’re not leaving our shop anytime soon! As long as you exist, you’ll have a customer in myself!

- Scott Trout,

"Air actuated workholding with Mitee-Bite Uniforce Clamps for drilling and light milling duties on aluminum alloy... works extremely fine. 

- #mirko_gherpelli,

"Got to use some Mitee-Bite Pitbull Clamps on some fixturing we've been running. These were a big time saver and allowed us to run 4 times the parts at one time compared to our previous setup.

- @roskomfg,

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