Machinable Fixture Clamps

Measurements Available: Inch, Metric

OK Clamps

Machinable Fixture Clamps

These clamps, with the machinable steel washers, provide more flexibility for holding round or unusual shaped parts. Parts can be held directly to the fixture plate surface or elevated for through-drilling. A special screw is provided with each package to hold the washer in the proper place during machining. The flat edge is the same location as our original fixture clamp. It can be used where a stronger clamping surface is required.

– Low profile

– Made of mild steel for machinability


Part No. A B C D E F G* H† Max
per pack
Cam Screw
Replacement Washer
10504 CAD 1/4 – 20 1/8 .040 .980 .250 .470 .250 .308 6.2 800 lbs 4 10365 10604
10506 CAD 3/8 – 16 3/16 .050 1.230 .350 .710 .275 .400 20.8 2,000 lbs 4 10371 10606
10508 CAD 1/2 – 13 5/16 .100 1.480 .450 .900 .300 .500 65.0 4,000 lbs 4 10373 10608
10510 CAD 5/8 – 11 3/8 .100 1.730 .550 1.125 .350 .590 100.0 6,000 lbs 4 10375 10610

G* – amount of machinable stock.
H† – the distance to drill & tap hole from edge of workpiece to use flat face.
Every package includes one machining screw.


Part No. A B C D E F G* H† Max
per pack
Cam Screw
Replacement Washer
50506 CAD M6 4M 1.01 24.9 6.4 11.9 6.4 7.8mm 8.50 3358 N. 4 50365 10604
50510 CAD M10 7M 1.52 31.2 8.9 18.0 7.0 10.2mm 28.00 8900 N. 4 50369 10606
50512 CAD M12 8M 2.03 37.6 11.4 22.9 7.6 12.7mm 88.00 17800 N. 4 50371 10612
50516 CAD M16 12M 2.54 43.9 14.0 28.6 8.9 15.0mm 135.00 26700 N. 4 50373 10610

G* – the amount of machinable stock.
H† – the distance to drill & tap hole from edge of workpiece to use flat face.
Every package includes one machining screw.


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